What is education if it’s not about helping and supporting students to ‘think’ for themselves, whether they are making decisions, forming judgements, solving problems or handling information or other people? Of course, there are things to be learned, facts and figures to be memorised but, ‘if we believe that learning is a product of thinking, then we need to be clear about what it is we are trying to support. What kind of mental activity we are trying to encourage in our students’ (Making Thinking Visible, 2011).
This course provides an in-depth look at the various thinking ‘pathways’ and ‘routines’ on offer to support the development of a school/college that puts ‘thinking’ at the core of classroom practice. We will also consider various strategies and approaches that can be used in the classroom to develop a student’s thinking skills. The course can be delivered over a half day, full day, or over a series of days depending on the extent to which you want to get to the heart of the matter.
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